
2012-12-19 09:19 来源: 未知 作者: admin

Post Doctoral position at the Danish Cancer Society Research Center

The signalling group headed by Dr. Tuula Kallunki in the Cell Death and Metabolism (CDM) Unit (unit leader Prof. Marja Jäättelä) located at the Danish Cancer Society Research Centre (DCRC) invites applications for a 2-year post doctoral position with a possibility for extension. CDM offers a dynamic, international and competitive research environment. The main research topics of the unit include lysosomal function and stability, autophagy, and lipid metabolism with focus on cancer-associated aberrations of the above processes and their exploitation for better understanding of cancer biology and translational applications.
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD for a project studying the lysosomal function in cancer invasion based on Rafn et al. Mol. Cell, 2012. The successful candidate should have experience, in addition to basic biochemistry and molecular biology techniques, in one or more of the following techniques/ assays/ models

-Immunocytochemistry (e.g. confocal microscopy)
-Invasion and/or protease activity assays
-Neovascularization models

We offer a high degree of scientific interaction and broad expertise in an internationally recognized research laboratory, fully equipped laboratory space, access to state-of-the art equipment and supportive environment.
Working place
The DCRC is located in a recently renovated and modern campus. The laboratories are equipped with the state-of-the-art technology, IT and bioinformatic services, and close links with other 5 Units working in the Centre. We are conveniently located close to Copenhagen City and well connected with relevant academic institutions, biotech companies and research hospitals in the Copenhagen area. The DCRC has a very international environment and the everyday working language is English. The working place is off course smoke-free.
Additional information
Additional information can be obtained directly from Tuula Kallunki, +45 3525 7746 or tk@cancer.dk.

The application written in English should include a cover letter explaining the applicants’ motivations, Curriculum Vitae, list of publications, copies of relevant certificates/diplomas, and at least two reference letters.
The application labeled ‘CDM-Post Doctoral Fellow’ should be submitted via the electronic form at the Danish Cancer Society’s homepage:

-Go to the homepage: http://www.cancer.dk/job
-Click the link: Post Doctoral Fellow in Danish Cancer Society Research Center
-Click the link: Apply for position. Then enter your contact information and attachments. Please note that the attached document must be either Word (doc/docx) or Adobe (pdf)

