
2019-01-04 14:48 来源: 互联网收集 作者: liuxuehr

Postdoctoral position: Engineering the plant mitochondrial genome


Location: Pasadena, CA

Job Number: 7054571

Posting Date: Nov 29, 2018

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

Job Description

Our goal is to make the plant mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) into a platform for synthetic biology and crop enhancement by developing mtDNA transgenesis, a technology that has the potential to transform biotechnology and agriculture in a number of ways. Mitochondrial genome engineering has thus far has only been possible in single-celled organisms such as yeast and algae. Novel approaches to carrying out selections for cells that carry recombinant genomes, and within cells for those recombinant genomes, provide new opportunities for achieving targeted mtDNA transgenesis. Work on this project occurs in collaboration with the lab of Elliot Meyerowitz, also at Caltech (http://plantlab.caltech.edu).


Bruce A. Hay


Division of Biology and Biological Engineering

California Institute of Technology


1200 East California Boulevard

Pasadena, CA 91125



A CV, a summary of research background, and letters of reference should be sent to haybruce@caltech.edu in PDF format.

The California Institute of Technology

Caltech is consistently ranked among the top research universities in the world and hosts a diverse and collaborative research community. Caltech is located in Pasadena, California, a vibrant city 10 miles northeast of downtown Los Angeles and minutes from hiking trails in the San Gabriel mountains or the Pacific ocean.

