
2016-09-19 15:35 来源: 互联网 作者: liuxuehr

Critical Geography PhD Studentship

Loughborough University

Qualification type: PhD

Location: Loughborough

Funding for: UK Students, EU Students

Funding amount: £14,296

Hours: Full Time 

Placed on: 13th September 2016

Closes: 21st October 2016

Reference: GY/AVHJ/Jan17

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Critical Geography PhD Studentship at Loughborough University

Reference: GY/AVHJ/Jan17

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship funded by Loughborough University to start in January 2017. The project will be based in the University’s Department of Geography and will be on one of the following topics:

Critical migration studies, including the dynamics of the current migration wave in Europe and the transformations of state and other institutions in the process;

Social movement studies, including grassroots social innovation, alternative currencies and grassroots resistance in face and in spite of the prevalence of neoliberal policies in Europe;

Critical urban studies at a time of crisis, including but not limited the marginalisation of urban populations, the transformation in the use of public space, the curtailing of the right to protest and other aspects of the effect of austerity in cities across Europe;

Contemporary Brazilian social and geographical studies, with a particular focus on the effects of the country’s currently unfolding crisis upon its marginalised urban populations.

The themes above are reflective of the core research interests of Dr Antonis Vradis and Dr Heike Jons, who will act as the PhD Supervisors. The list is not exhaustive and all solid proposals with a broadly defined critical geography focus will be given due consideration.

